A Year in Review – 2015 Favorites
It’s almost the New Year, and so I thought I’d take this opportunity to do a review of some of the favorites from the year.
Last January, I attended a local leadership training course called Catalyst. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve been a part of, particularly because of the place I was at. This thing of a new blog was brewing inside of me, and Catalyst was literally what thrust me into the crazy world of blogging. I threw fits, I told God I didn’t want to do it. I told Him I was an introvert and would rather do things quietly and privately in my house. I told him there was a whole bunch of other great blogs out there, so why bother. And I asked him if there was another way? And while He gave me a choice, He always gives us a choice, He gave me three days in a row of blatant confirmation.
So I started writing posts, taking photos, learned the basics of photos editing, and started on designing my actual web page with a friend, mentor, and the man who performed our wedding 11 1/2 years ago. He’s been doing websites for years, and wow, this site would not look nearly as good without his genius work. Seriously computer stuff is over my head, mostly. I can do the basics and get by, but wow am I ever so grateful!
So on May 8th I officially launched the blog with this post, When Beauty Invades the Process.
It’s been such an interesting journey. Some things I am terribly excited about, and I’ll get hardly any response at all, some things I almost didn’t post, and the response blew me out of the water. Such was this post. The Pillow That Lived Happily Every After. I was overwhelmed by warm and some very fun responses via Facebook and comments on the blog and I must say, it was a pleasant surprise.
Then there was my beloved blue chair post, A Chair and the Language of Love. While I loved this chair, I had no idea what the response would be. I was blown away when this was my first post to be featured on not just one but two different notable blogs. My favorite, Furniture Feature Fridays (who’s link party has since been retired) – with Miss Mustard Seed, and Feathered Nest Fridays – with French Country Cottage.
The post that has recived the most attention from other blogs and individuals alike was A Jelly Cupboard. What a fun transformation that was seeing my vision come to fruition. I am every grateful to my husband for finding the perfect metal grate in our family’s woods and putting in the fussy legs. It has been such a functional useful pretty piece as it is the drink station for many get togethers.
A couple of my posts in the faith category were met with an amazing response. Sometimes it’s a bit scary being so vulnerable to a world I can’t see and don’t know who’s reading, but the deep hearted response and emails I got from Making Alterations made it all worth it.
The post that received the most shares was another faith post, When Grace Overcomes Fear. I was totally blown away by the response there, because even if there aren’t a lot of comments, it’s pretty obvious if someone shares it and their friends share it, etc, it’s touching people. This post literally reached thousands. (What?!) It’s been the most incredible breakthrough in my own life, and something I’m continuing to have to learn to walk out, but I am so thankful for the Lord to reveal this truth to me.
As I started this blog, I really thought the sewing part would be 60-70% of my content. It’s what I feel I am best at, and I have been sewing and designing since I was 4, however, it’s interesting, I have had a hard time reaching out to and getting response from the sewing crowd. However, I do have friends, and friends of my husband who admire creativity. By far the original design, All Dressed Up In Drapes received overwhelming comments and shares and has made for some fun (and a bit embarrassing – my husband who is not shy likes to point out everything I’ve made while in public) conversations with people. ( It’s one thing for someone to read my blog, but it breaks my whole introvert barrier to realize people are actually seeing and reading me.)
And last but not least, we musn’t forget another pillow post. The Embroidered Pillow, got featured by other blogs and received such fun comments. It was honestly one of my simplest projects this year and yet, so rewarding. I keep looking for more crewel or embroidered pieces and have yet to find any more. I’d love to have some seasonal embroidered pillows, but not have to put in the work embroidering (call me lazy).
Those are the highlights of 2015. If you’re just stopping by, thank you. If you have been faithfully reading from the beginning, thank you so much! This has been quite the journey. I have been amazed that as I use my gifts and talents, it has touched people I know and people I may never meet, in such a variety of ways. I am so grateful for this outlet and those who have joined me on this journey.
I’m excited for a new year, for the joys for the tears, for working out the bumps and wrinkles with more glorious process.
“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
Blessings and Happy New Year,
PS Did your favorite post make the cut? Which were your favorites?
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