Blue Floral PIllow

Yesterday I went on a field trip with two of my boys to the Performing Arts Center where a man performed through a bit of humor and the touch of the ivory keys while recounting the history and anatomy of a piano.  While the kids were educated and entertained, my heart was moved by the intermittent strokes of Bach and Beethoven, music I had grown …

French Mattress Dog Bed

Before I jump into today’s post and a fun creative piece, I want to take time again to thank you for all the encouragement I’ve received from you all on the last two posts.  I laid my heart out there for you to see, and your response has been overwhelming.  Thank you for your following, for your comments, likes and …

Pepper Baby Dress

It’s been about three years since I’ve started on this blog journey.  Only two and a half years since I launched, but there is a lot that goes into a flight plan before you are ready for takeoff.  In this place I have been reflecting a lot.  Reflecting on the journey that has brought me this far, and looking ahead …

ski coat rack

This January, I’ve been reflecting; walking through healing in my own life this past year and seeing grace for what it is. The hardest times in our lives always have the most residual grace.  January is always hard for me.  A month of utter darkness and a crash from the delight of Christmas leaves me struggling every single year.  I …

2017 Favorites

Happy New Year everyone!  This was the first New Years that I actually saw midnight in a long time.  Actually, I was busy working on a dog bed project, coming soon to a blog near you, while watching re-run episodes of Psych with my husband, whereupon we accidentally stumbled onto midnight, gave each other a kiss and promptly went to …

Wnter decor with a flocked tree

After the glimmer and the sparkle of the holidays have come and gone, January can be left feeling in an in-eloquent sense very blah.  The vast majority of home style blogs focus on reorganizing and decluttering in January.  I suppose for those living in the more southern states, you can put away Christmas, sparkle, and lights and still look forward to …

Christmas Home 2017

Decorating for Christmas has always been important to me.  I know, you’re all shocked.  Ha.  But I remember even in my freshman college dorm room going all out.  Amidst studying for finals, my roommate and I made dozens of snowflakes and hung them at varying lengths from the ceiling.  At the end of the room, we had a small artificial …