When We Start to Really See Hello again. Before I go on with today’s Inspirational/Faith post, I just wanted to give a heads up that our family is going on vacation for the next couple of weeks! To say I am VERY excited to get out of the vast dark arctic island where we are shaken awake by 7.1 earthquakes would …
Living in Alaska, we are accustomed to cold, dark winters. We have also been gifted with one of the most astounding views, even by local standards. But the view comes with a cost. For a about two months each winter we get a little over three hours of direct sunlight each day. The sun dances behind the majestic mountain, peaks rays …
Merry almost Christmas! I hope you are having a blessed week getting ready for celebrations, and enjoying the time getting ready. Because, it’s so much about the process and journey. I am having so much fun with a house full of too much energy and excitement that could legally blow like dynamite. I am so, so grateful for the festivities, but …
When the end of November rolls around, the anticipation of decorating and celebrating the most wonderful time of the year beckons and calls. I may have listened to some occasional Christmas music, or strolled through the seasonal aisles at the stores, but finally the day after Thanksgiving the Christmas decorations are unpacked from the shed and brought in to delight …
I just want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful time being with family and friends. Also, I wanted to share with you a more contemplative thankful list. Coming up on Thanksgiving, and ending the year, I find it’s a time of reflection of all the gifts we’ve been given. And sometimes, it’s easy …
Every couple of years, people become mesmerized by athletes coming together for the sake of competition and greatness. They come to compete from around the world, and they come to represent their nation. As much as following the excellence of an athlete, broadcasters have come to draw on the personal touches of something even greater than athleticism. Viewers, across borders, …
“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs,” the reluctant prophet Jonah wrote. I stumbled across the verse this summer. One I had probably read 100 times over. But on this occasion, it grabbed me. And as we began our summer by spending one night in ER, my husband having an emergency gall bladder removal surgery, …
When Inside Out was in the theaters we took our whole family to the movies. I thoroughly enjoyed the first third of the movie, until I escorted one frightened son out to do something else. My favorite character was fear, because, he was so over the top, articulating the absolute worst case scenarios even imaginable, knowing nothing but the anxiety and …
As the story goes, a boy worked hard all summer, doing jobs around the yard for his dad. He saved his hard earned money for those three sun-adorned months, and at the start of fall was rewarded by a trip to the store, where he would spend the fruit of his labor. The boy picked out some Star Wars Legos, …
The last couple weeks, most of my creative time has been spent working on alterations for my cousin’s wedding. I love the fact that I can contribute with a valuable commodity and skill that would otherwise be expensive and extremely hard for those traveling in out of the country to do in a timely manner. To be perfectly honest, alterations …