From Sewage Spewage to Restoration

The day the drain pipe vomits up raw sewage all over the downstairs floor, it’s always at the most inconvenient time. Day in and day out, the pipes and laws of gravity behave, and without any praise, they hide the filth and contamination from a home bustling above. The day it spews its ugly stench, we try to make sense …

The Sound of Wisdom’s Voice

Moments in time stand still when a beholder recognizes words untold in a work of art.  All of us have been met with the acquaintance where a painting unveils an emotion hidden in our soul, words on a page unmask thoughts raw and vulnerable, music draws out chords capable of producing tears, beauty makes our heart feel like a thoroughbred …

A Father’s Legacy

A father’s legacy is not measured by who he is, but what he imparts to his children. There are many great fathers, father’s that have believed in and played with their children, changed countless diapers, watched recitals, taught them the art of fishing, how to use tools, and change oil in the car.   All have paid great prices for their children. …

Becoming Imitators

It was a quick trip to Lowes. All I needed was one little piece of tile for my husband to complete the backsplash in our kitchen. $1.26, but without it there would be a gaping hole. I brought my baby and son #2 who earlier that day had completed a creative project. He had hand sewn his own little stuffed …

When We Need a Miracle

Sometimes, the greatest prayers of faith start simple; earnest desperation. Hannah’s desperate plea for a child was chastised. She was even wrongly accused of being drunk. But in her own defense, she was “pouring out her soul to the LORD…praying out in great anguish and grief.” Desperate, heartbroken, grief stricken, full of anguish, bathed in pain. Sometimes the tears and …

Cheryl at Ruffles and Rifles

Welcome to Ruffles and Rifles.  And welcome to a small window into my life. My desire is for this to be a place for me to share the things I’ve created, some tutorials along the way – so you can create it too, and some thoughts roaming around in this introverted head of mine, about truth from God’s Word. As …