Happy Thanksgiving and a Thoughtful Thankful List
I just want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful time being with family and friends.
Also, I wanted to share with you a more contemplative thankful list. Coming up on Thanksgiving, and ending the year, I find it’s a time of reflection of all the gifts we’ve been given. And sometimes, it’s easy to skip over some of the blessings. So I developed a list last year, you can use it personally, or share with family and friends. Feel free to print it out and use it.
There’s So Much To Be Thankful For (click here for the PDF version so you can print it out)
There’s So Much To Be Thankful For
A relationship(s) I’ve been thankful for this year… (1-3)
A physical/tangible blessing I’m thankful for this year…
A gift I am particularly thankful for the past year…
A lack of something that I am grateful for…
As an imitator of God (creator, restorer, encourager, etc), something I imitated Him and am excited about….
Something that was really hard that I’m thankful for…
A truth/revelation that God really illuminated to me this year…
A song that I’m thankful for this past year…
An experience with the family that I’m thankful for….
A moment in time that stands out, and I’m thankful for…
A verse or Scripture or inspiring quote that has been an incredible blessing this year…
A drastic change I’m thankful for…
A word spoken that I’m thankful for…
A position, or change of position, I am grateful for…
A book I read this year that I am particularly thankful for…
A trip I took that I am thankful for…
Name 3 everyday blessings, that are easy to overlook, but I am so thankful for…
An opportunity that I was blessed with this year…
A conversation that impressed me and I’m thankful for this year…
Something that money bought me/us…
A gift from each one of our blessings (children)…
A moment where God touched/hugged me that I’m so grateful for…
A hope I am blessed to hang on to…
A treasure old, a treasure new…
Something I’m thankful for that didn’t make it to any of these categories….
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have a very blessed weekend.
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