A Chair and the Language of Love
I made the deliberate choice one day last year, not to look at craigslist for at least a week. I had this thing going on inside; instead of grasping for the next great deal, practice contentedness with the great deal I already had. Because whether you’re spending your money at a Nordstrom or a no name thrift store, if the soul is still grasping for more, greed really is the same.
I was out running some errands and I get two texts from two different people, sending me photos of two different chairs, and they had thought of me. Never had this happened before, and never has it happened since. But I thought it to be quite curious, I had intentionally set my heart on being content, and 2 chairs in one day, sought me out. I passed on one chair, and went and looked at the other. It was an Ethan Allen chair, beautiful construction, glorious wood detail and in excellent shape. The upholstery was not my style, but to me it became more attractive, because I could make it my own.
So I brought the chair home with me in the back of our minivan. Upon arrival at home, I noticed a large tube on our front porch. I remembered I had ordered a yard of really nice upholstery fabric from JoAnns several days before when it was half off for a different chair. I opened the tube, giddy with excitement, and to my amazement, discovered more than I had ordered. At this point, I realized it was exactly enough for the chair that had sought me out and was sitting in the back of the mini-van. I cried, and my hands trembled, because I was astounded.
You know, some girls get giddy over flowers or jewelry or a pair of shoes (which are great by the way). But fabric and a chair! I felt kissed by heaven that day. God knows me more than anyone on planet earth (even better than my amazing mom or husband). You may call it a coincidence, but I know, God speaks the language of love. He loves me. He loves you. It says in Psalm 19:1-2 “Day unto day he pours forth speech, night unto night he reveals knowledge.” And there are days, when he just wants you to know you’re not one in a million, but the one He loves. But He not only loves you, He believes in you, and who he made you to be.
Honestly, when I had such a gorgeous chair in excellent shape, I thought, “maybe I shouldn’t do this chair, I may not be qualified to do it.” Then I remembered how He set me up, because He loves me and believes in me.
The most tedious process of the reupholster project was taking out the staples. Let me tell you, this was a well-made chair. There were days my hands hurt from gripping the staple remover and prying.
I opted not to paint it, the wood was in perfect condition, and honestly, when wood is in good shape, I think it’s best left in its original state.
I enjoyed the details on this chair, like making sure the patterns were matched up perfectly. It just makes it look all the more professional.
But the end result was so worth it. I love it!
I also gave a go at the double welting, which I think turned out splendidly. I saved all the old welting and pulled it out of the original casing and sewed it into the new. That way the lengths were perfect and it saved money. I didn’t have enough fabric to cut the welting on the bias, which made it a little harder to manipulate on the corners and bends, but I guess I have been sewing long enough, that wasn’t too intimidating.
I’m hoping that next time the God of the universe reveals his love to you in your unique language, you will know, that heaven got a little closer to reach down and kiss you.
Thanks for stopping by!
This post was featured on Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture Feature Friday and French Country Cottage’s Feathered Nest Friday on June 25, 2015.
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