An Open Letter to Those Living in Uncertain Times
(A modern day paraphrase of Jeremiah 29)
Dear children, living in uncertain times, this is what the Father God, the One who created the universe and put the world into motion, the one who wove you together in your mother’s whom has to say to you.
I know the world looks like a trifling mess. There are uprisings and terror being spread across the nations. Most of you cannot trust your kings, legislators or governors, kings, prime ministers or those in authority. Laws are being made in contradiction to the very core of how you want and know how to live. I want you to know, I see you, I see your heart to do what is right, I have heard your prayers for your nation.
I know fear is trying to take captive enemies as havoc is wrecked on the earth. But I don’t want you to hunker down, or barricade yourself or your family, I don’t want you to cut yourself off from the world. Instead, I want you to live. I gave you this life, I knew when I formed you, when I placed you in the world at this particular hour that you were the one to live fully for such a time as this. I don’t want you to shrink back in fear, but live today in the moment, and live your life with purpose with a vision for a hope and a future.
I put you on earth for a specific purpose, a calling and destiny, and just because things aren’t turning out the way you planned, that doesn’t mean I am going to abandon my plan. I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
I want you to keep living. Build houses, renovate houses, invest in where you are living. That is the territory and authority I have given you.
Plant gardens, get jobs, become established and influential in your community and take authority in the realm I have placed you in with your unique giftings and experiences. Don’t hold anything back.
I know times look perilous, like this is the wrong time to be having children and bringing up a family, with laws threatening the very core of what I meant for a family to be. But I want you to get married, I commanded from the beginning to be fruitful and multiply. My word to you has never ceased. Increase in number, do not decrease. How can my kingdom increase if not through you?
Also, I want you, dear children, as aliens and strangers to seek the welfare, peace, prosperity, completeness, safety, health, tranquility, contentment, and friendship of the community, state and country I have placed you in. Pray to the Lord for these things on your community – pray for the welfare and peace and prosperity of the place where you live, because, if it has peace and welfare and prosperity, you will too.
My dear children, I have said from the beginning, and I will say it again. All of my promises are true. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will be with you to the very end. I have given you today, and tomorrow, I have given you this life to live and to live to the fullest. Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. You will call upon me, and seek me and find me and I will listen to you.
For I know the plans I have for you, plans to propser you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. I have given you life today to live and prosper, I have given you a vision with a future in mind. Do not shrink back, but be one who is bold in love, who is steady in conviction, who is steadfast with integrity. Pray and act, be the change.
With prayers for our nation and the many individual lives that are broken and hurting,
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