Collecting Vintage Thrifted Glassware and How to Make Them Shine
There was a time I was only buying acrylic drinking glasses. We found several sets at Costco, and I reasoned, with a young family, that would be the most logical solution to inevitable breaks. So for many years we had acrylic glasses. And they weren’t terrible, but I started to feel a longing to be a grown up again, and drink from a glass that was actually made of glass. Do I sound silly? I don’t know, I think drinks taste different out of glass. Not only that, the acrylic glasses clouded up and looked awful, and eventually they started to crack and have leaks.
A few years ago, I started thinking about real glass glassware again. Part of it was when we would have guests I would be choosing between the acrylic glasses and sippy cups. In addition, I was starting to see everything through the lens of a camera once I started my blog, and suddenly, I really wanted glass.
I looked at stores for sets that didn’t seem ridiculously overpriced, that had a vintage voice to them, and I always came home with nothing. I almost had my husband pack home some Anthropologie glasses on a trip, but I couldn’t justify the price (or the risk of breaking on the trip home). But then, I was reading the first issue of the Magnolia Journal, where Joanna mentioned she had a collection of mismatched vintage water glasses. I loved that idea. That way, if one broke, you wouldn’t be out on an odd number of glasses (which was one of my main hesitations in having glass with a young growing family). And two, it would be a game of finding pretty vintage glasses. But would I find any in Alaska?
So, as collections go, I started with one. A pretty water goblet I found for 75 cents.
Then, much to my surprise, I found six coordinating water glasses a couple of months later at a different thrift store. I scooped them right up. But they were dingy, cloudy, like they had been clear but the years and possibly dishwasher film had left them less than brilliant. So I worked some magic with a soak in baking soda, white vinegar and dish soap. And would you know, they came out sparkling, like they were brand new! I was beyond excited. I finally found real glass glasses I liked, and they were $1 a piece.
A few weeks later I happened upon the same set of 4 wine goblets. I scooped them up and this time decided to document the transformation. They were dingy, and now, after a half an hour soak in the baking soda, vinegar and dish soap, they shine as well.

Then two weeks ago, I found 4 more larger water glasses of the same set! I couldn’t believe it. I had no idea I would keep finding pieces to the same set, I just was going for vintage looking glass, something that I liked. I am always keeping my eye out for more. You never know when one will break, and truth be known, we have a lot of guests. But I am so thrilled with my collected set of vintage glassware.
How to Make Collected Vintage Glassware Shine
Items Needed:
1 c. Baking Soda
1 c. Vinegar
2 T. Dishsoap
Put ingredients in a large sink, and add several gallons of hot water. Let the glassware soak for 30-45 minutes.
Finish by cleaning with a soft rag. Rinse and towel-try with a lint free towel. (Below is an image for you to Pin.)
I was watching reruns of Fixer Upper last week, and wouldn’t you know, in one of the design scenes, on the table was the exact water glass! I must have good taste. 🙂
Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!
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