There are things I have a hard time passing by.  I go to thrift stores frequently.  Usually I walk in and out empty handed, but always ready for something to jump out and beg to be rescued.  Needlepoint is one of them.  I know, hanging cross stich or embroidery on a wall is completely outdated.  …

In the first year of blogging, I shared my adventure in remaking our dining room table.  It was quite the journey, and as most learning journeys go, this one took longer than I had anticipated.  Honestly, I have been on the look out since then for an even larger table.  Though it accommodates our family …

My boys often groan when we pull into one thrift store’s parking lot.  Truthfully, I try to meander through with as few little people in tow as possible.  I mean, I see their point; stinky, dirty, unloved garbage, and Mom is shopping in there?!?  But I tell them, “I’m treasure hunting, something in there could be a very economical …

I don’t know if it’s just in Alaska or everywhere, but furniture at thrift stores usually is not such an incredible steal anymore.  Like they caught on to the DIYers and want to make them pay more for putting extensive blood, sweat and tears into a broken down piece of furniture.  For that reason, I don’t …