One year ago today we took a walk along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. Perhaps the Lord knew he had to get me Down Under, upside-down and that far away to do a deep work. It was a walk that changed me forever. I’ve been slow to share our journey because I didn’t want …
This year, Good Friday falls on the Jewish calendar on the first day of Passover. I really wish our Christian calendar followed heed every year to this Jewish holiday. Because before the foundations of the world were laid, He knew He would offer up His life during Passover. Everything God does is with purpose. The …
This January, I’ve been reflecting; walking through healing in my own life this past year and seeing grace for what it is. The hardest times in our lives always have the most residual grace. January is always hard for me. A month of utter darkness and a crash from the delight of Christmas leaves me …
Happy New Year everyone! This was the first New Years that I actually saw midnight in a long time. Actually, I was busy working on a dog bed project, coming soon to a blog near you, while watching re-run episodes of Psych with my husband, whereupon we accidentally stumbled onto midnight, gave each other a …
I had just five minutes, but I wanted to take a turn about one of my frequented thrift stores, just to see if there was any new hidden treasure waiting to be rescued and restored. After all, it had been a week since I’d last been there. A lot of things can float in and …
Happy New Year everyone! Can you believe it’s 2017?! I’m dragging my feet a little as I do with every new year. It’s change after all, I’m not overly fond of change. And it’s January, which equates to total and complete utter darkness in our home by the mountains in Alaska (okay, so we get …
On the eve of Mother’s Day three years ago, my gift came, bundled up in the hearts of three darling little boys. My husband had been out of state for an entire week at some business meetings on the East Coast, and then attending my brother’s law school graduation. I was tired, pregnant with our fourth son, …
I should have clearly seen the set up. I get home from a warm vacation in the middle of an Alaskan winter itching for spring. It ruins me to the point of buying a few new pieces of greenery and a bouquet of fresh flowers, if spring won’t come yet, I will make it come. …
“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs,” the reluctant prophet Jonah wrote. I stumbled across the verse this summer. One I had probably read 100 times over. But on this occasion, it grabbed me. And as we began our summer by spending one night in ER, my husband having an …
When Inside Out was in the theaters we took our whole family to the movies. I thoroughly enjoyed the first third of the movie, until I escorted one frightened son out to do something else. My favorite character was fear, because, he was so over the top, articulating the absolute worst case scenarios even imaginable, knowing …